Writing in today’s (25 May 2021) Financial Times, business columnist Helen Thomas stresses the need for the UK to give more attention and investment to expanding alternatives to high-cost credit that can provide financial products in… Continue reading
Help more people, businesses and social enterprises get access to responsible finance
Tens of thousands of businesses, social enterprises and people thrive every year thanks to community development finance. But many more are still excluded from affordable options. It’s time to grow community development finance institutions. For people.… Continue reading
New Start: Ethical lenders build better future for 31,000 people
Community Development Finance Institutions have helped 31,000 people save £11m in interest in recent months, and this impact and other data from our “Building a Better Future” report is covered in this article in UK “making… Continue reading
As Provident crumbles ethical lenders build better future for 31,000 customers
Community Development Finance Institutions helped 31,000 people save £11 million in interest, according to a new report published today (19 May 2021), which highlights the urgency of scaling-up the ethical, not-for-profit affordable credit sector. Politicians across… Continue reading
Pioneers Post: Danny Kruger on major opportunity for UK social enterprises from £7.6bn new funding
Pioneers Post, the international social enterprise and impact investment magazine, featured Danny Kruger MP’s conversation with Responsible Finance CEO Theodora Hadjimichael about embedding social enterprise into the UK’s recovery in this article. Kruger emphasised how he… Continue reading
Cross-party acclaim for community development finance as report reveals thousands of businesses supported
Filling a gap, fuelling thousands of businesses: report shows 12,640 jobs protected by financial superpower Thousands of jobs and businesses have the UK’s “financial superpower” to thank for lending where banks could not, according to new… Continue reading
How to Scale Up a Financial Superpower: Politicians and Stakeholders on CDFIs’ Unique Impact
The UK finance system has a superpower: Community Development Finance Institutions (CDFIs). These locally-rooted social enterprises get finance to people, businesses and social enterprises who can’t get the finance they need from banks. Here champions of… Continue reading
10xRF showcases CDFIs’ superpowers
The financial system has a secret superpower. Community Development Finance Institutions (CDFIs) create jobs, nurture businesses and social enterprises, and invest in people and communities. We’re championing their impact and examining how to magnify it over… Continue reading
The Observer newspaper: CDFIs’ work more vital than ever
A full page feature in today’s Observer newspaper demonstrates the impact of personal-lending CDFIs. With 14.2 million people now financially vulnerable, it says our work is more vital than ever. The article includes a profile of… Continue reading
Ethical lenders and the cost of credit
It is well documented that being poor costs more. When people who are less well off or have fluctuating incomes need credit for sudden expenses, many lenders see an opportunity to make a lot of money.… Continue reading