CDFIs have a business model that is specifically designed to deliver financial and social returns. They are well placed to offer the ‘win-win’ the Church is looking for in terms of financial returns with a clear conscience. Continue reading
CDFA welcomes church plans to put Wonga out of business
The Church of England plans to force payday lender out of business – by competing against it. CDFIs and credit unions provide the solution. Continue reading
Bank lending disclosure is good news for poor communities
Local lenders are celebrating a breakthrough in their campaign for fair access to finance across the UK, following the government’s announcement that banks will publish lending data from January. Continue reading
Money, mentoring and mission
A fitness fanatic achieves his business dream thanks to a Start-Up Loan Continue reading
UK social investment market grows to £202m
The UK social investment market has grown according to a new report that tracked intermedaries to 2012.
Spending Review: Government should invest more in CDFIs
Government can make scarce resources go further through investing in CDFIs Continue reading
CDFA welcomes Commission on Banking Standards report
New independent report highlights the the importance of CDFIs Continue reading
Lending, lending, lending…
It’s been a busy time for our business-focused CDFIs. They’ve been posting record lending figures, helping more small firms than ever.
Charities and social investment
With the current focus on growing and diversifying the social investment market, particularly in London and the South East, we may risk overlooking the particular experience of charities in taking social investment. ‘Charities and Social Investment’ , a report commissioned by the Charity Commission for England and Wales from the Institute for Voluntary Action Research and written by Leila Baker and Niamh Goggin, provides an insight into the barriers and risks facing charities receiving social investment. Continue reading
At the vanguard of a new kind of economics
Community Economics is a model that harnesses the skills, knowledge and capability present in all communities; it has the potential to bridge the gap between rich and poor that current, free market economics create, and that we know is failing an increasing percentage of the population denied access to the finance needed to create jobs, opportunity and capability. Continue reading